Library and Museum Preservation

Our services include all preservation work in the library:

  • To prevent and to manage any pest infestation in the collections.
  • To protect from microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria.
  • To solve all pest problems that might ruin the documents such as small insects, silverfish, bookworms, booklice, cockroaches, termites, adult larvae and moth.


Our treatment is for identifying and controlling the twelve dirty dozen:

  1. Webbing Clothes Moth
  2. Case Making Clothes Moth
  3. Varied Carpet Beetle
  4. Black Carpet Beetle
  5. Warehouse and Cabinet Beetles
  6. Hide/Larder Beetles
  7. Cigarette/Drugstore Beetles
  8. Silverfish / Firebrats
  9. Booklice
  10. Powder Post Beetle
  11. Cockroaches
  12. Mice


Our preventive integrated pest management (PIPM) consists of a number of safe practices and procedures to prevent infestation by insects, rodents which are included in the location. The main goal of this program is the definition of the infestation risk prevention strategies.
Our preventative integrated pest management program involves:

  • PREVENTION – Preventing access to pests.
  • MONITORING – Monitoring pest populations.
  • IDENTIFICATION – Identifying potential pest threats.
  • TREATMENT – Treating outbreaks in the safest manner possible.

By maintaining this program, Schtager diminishes the damage to collections by insects and rodents. The goal of the prevention stage is to determine how pests might get into your library and into collections areas and, once they are in, what factors might allow them to continue to live and breed there.

  • Understanding the ecosystem in which your institution is located.
  • Identifying the manner in which the location may become infested with pets.
  • Identifying the nature and vulnerability of your collection

Pest Monitoring – Trapping

Effective implementation of PIPM requires routine monitoring of pest activity. Routine monitoring using traps provides information about the type of insects, their entry points, and the number of insects, where they are taking up residence, and why they are surviving.
This information allows for identification of problem areas and development of an action plan.
Pheromone traps are one of the most valuable new tools for pest management.

Pheromones are the natural scents insects use to communicate with each other. Certain pests can be strongly attracted to the traps from the surrounding area, providing an extremely effective early warning system of pest presence. They are natural compounds (odors) that are created in the body of an insect. Insects use these pheromones to attract other insects of their species to them. It is the primary means of communication for many species of insects.

Insect traps
have a non-toxic adhesive and allow detection of the presence of insects but do not fight the infestation.
Having been set out in strategic places they must be inspected periodically.

  • The traps should be identified, placed on the floor or on the shelves and the environmental conditions.
  • The traps and their locations should be inspected 2 to 4 times a year.
  • The location of each trap, which has its own identification sheet, should be marked on a copy of the plan of the building.
The Infection Control Plan ™
Book your appointment today to safely and effectively eliminate all microorganisms and provide a long-term sanitized environment fo working and living. Interested? Fill the below and we will call you back